Kouturekiss-Master-The-Salon-BlowoutDo you crave salon worthy locks but are a little unsure of how to blow dry hair like professional stylists do? Here is a step-by-step guide to getting the best blowout at home. You’ll need a blow dryer with a nozzle, detangler, a protective serum, a medium to large round brush {depending on how much hair you have}, styling oil and a clip.

  1. Spray detangler {like Silken Child Leave-In Detangler} onto wet hair so that it’s protected as you brush it out—always remember, hair is its most fragile when wet. Applying a detangler right out of the shower is best; using this type of spray on hair that is in the process of air drying will cause the hair to feel sticky once it’s dry.
  2. Using a blow dryer with the nozzle on, blow your bangs or any stubborn cowlicks that you have first, so that you can control these sections before they start to dry.  I like to pull the rest of my hair back while doing this so that I can focus on the front section.
  3. Once you’ve tamed the front section, let the rest of your hair down and begin to take a little moisture out by blow drying; you’re goal in this step is to end with evenly damp hair. It’s important to keep the dryer moving and to not focus on one section for too long—you don’t want some places to end up dry while others are still wet.
  4. Now apply a small amount of protective serum to the bottom two-thirds of hair {I use Redken Smooth Lock Heat Glide}; applying this on damp hair before you begin to use a round brush will protect hair from damage.
  5. Divide hair into two sections; one section at the base of the neck, and one section on top. Clip the top section up so you can focus on blowing out the bottom half. Always aim the blow dryer down, in the same direction that the hair grows, to minimize frizz. Using a round brush to pull sections down will help to smooth hair.
  6. Once the bottom section of hair is completely dry, let down the top section. When drying the top, it’s important to remember to get even tension. Also if sections have started to air dry, wet them down a little so that you can re-dry them using the round brush and blow dryer. This will allow you to control how the hair dries and prevent frizz. Be sure to gently comb through any knots before using the round brush on them.
  7. After your hair is completely dry, gather hair at your crown onto the round brush and aim the blow dryer on this section to add lift at the roots.
  8. Once hair has cooled, go back in with the nozzle off of the blow dryer and flip your head over; begin blowing hair on a cool setting to eliminate frizz and to create a more natural look.
  9. To polish off your look, run styling oil {like Organix Repairing Awapuhi Ginger Dry Styling Oil} through the ends of hair.

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