Our first anniversary is on September 24, 2017 and I can’t believe it’s been a year since our wedding day. And even with a cross-country move thrown into the mix, our first year of marriage has been great. Easy? Not necessarily. But Chase and I agree these three habits we established during the last year have made us closer and happier as a couple.

First Year or MarriagePhoto by Elizabeth Carrie Photography

1. Talk About Money

Setting budgets and working toward financial goals together have become a priority for us, especially since we have a joint account. Last year, we started scheduling monthly “money dates,” which is my fancy way to say we sit down together to track our spending, confirm our bills are paid and set goals for the month ahead. I know. Budgeting and talking money is never a fun thing, but I like to think calling it a “date” and making sure we have an easy dinner (pizza?) and wine on hand make it more enjoyable.

The first Wednesday of every month is reserved for a money date. We use Mint.com to create budgets and track our spending. We have budgets set for spending categories like eating out, shopping and traveling. If we go over budget in some areas, we address it and make a plan for staying on budget during the next month.

Why it Works

Chase: It’s easier to spend within your means alone because you know what you’re making and what you’re spending. But when you have someone else bringing in and spending from your account, you have to stay on the same page.

Jessi: I love how our monthly money dates hold each of us accountable for spending wisely. You think I’m able to make a frivolous purchase without Chase knowing? Nope! Being held accountable for what I spend each month leads me to make thoughtful decisions.

2. Make Dinner Together

Even if you’re both not amazing chefs, spending time together in the kitchen while dinner is being made is a great way to unwind from the day. If you do both like to cook, even better! For dinners, we love using an app called MealLime. The app helps us plan meals, keep track of our grocery list and cook the recipes. Using MealLime has been a great way for two not-so-great cooks to become more confident trying new recipes.

Why it Works

Chase: It’s cheaper to eat in, so if we’re going to make our own meals, we can have a little fun with it. We like to put on Spotify and try new recipes. It’s also fun to improve your cooking skills — until recently, I didn’t really “cook” anything unless it was frozen and went in the microwave.

Jessi: One thing that’s surprised me about marriage is how much more fun everything, like cooking dinner and even cleaning up, is when we do it together. Plus making dinner goes way faster when Chase and I cook together. We’ve developed a pretty sound system — usually I prep the veggies while Chase cooks the meat.

3. Go on Weekly Date Nights

I mentioned above that Chase and I enjoy cooking together and I genuinely mean it. But I’d be lying if I said eating out wasn’t more fun and easier (Hello? No cleanup!). I get it. Life is busy, money doesn’t grow on trees and we’re tired after work, but you HAVE to keep dating your spouse. I’m not saying you have to go to a fancy restaurant each week — date night can be wherever you and your spouse like and can afford to go.

Why it Works

Chase: There’s no shortage of great Mexican restaurants in Phoenix, and we’re going to try them all. Cooking is fun, but we need a break from dishes every now and then.

Jessi: It’s a good time for us to put our phones away and just enjoy each other. I swear some of our best conversations happen at restaurants after a couple glasses of wine.